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link post  Posted: 21.01.19 11:54. Post subject: Inviting into Knights

Knights of the Sphere,
an Informal community of the Spheroid Universe project activists and enthusiasts
⚔⚔ @cryptmtn
We announce a Competition with very good awards!

To take part in the competition you need to be one of The Knights of the Sphere

Become a Knight!
To do this:
Join the Knights of the Sphere chat https://t.me/knightsofsphere
Fill in the form https://goo.gl/forms/AO5aKNEEGmYJybgg2
As soon as you fill out the form, we begin count the days of your service. After 2 months a Knight receives the Welcome Bonus from the Treasury of the Order - 2400 SPH tokens for the faithful ACTIVE service. If the service is a valiant one, then one could become a leader or team member w/ benefits.

Important! Knighthood membership is limited. There always will be no more than 1000 knights in the Order!
Guardians of the Sphere
Be faithful to the Sphere! MUST BE ACTIVE IN CHATS & PROMOTING SU.

Terms of the contest are announced in the Chat of Knights!

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Post №: 134
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link post  Posted: 21.01.19 12:08. Post subject: Knights of the Spher..

Knights of the Sphere,
an Informal community of the Spheroid Universe project activists and enthusiasts
We announce a Competition with very good awards!

To take part in the competition you need to be one of The Knights of the Sphere

Become a Knight!
To do this:
Join the Knights of the Sphere chat https://t.me/knightsofsphere
Fill in the form https://goo.gl/forms/AO5aKNEEGmYJybgg2
As soon as you fill out the form, we begin count the days of your service. After 2 months a Knight receives the Welcome Bonus from the Treasury of the Order - 2400 SPH tokens for the faithful ACTIVE service. If the service is a valiant one, then one could become a leader or team member w/ benefits.

Important! Knighthood membership is limited. There always will be no more than 1000 knights in the Order!
Guardians of the Sphere
Be faithful to the Sphere! MUST BE ACTIVE IN CHATS & PROMOTING SU.

Terms of the contest are announced in the Chat of Knights!

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Location: Ukraine, Kiev
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link post  Posted: 04.04.19 13:10. Post subject: Joel PalaganasApr 4,..

Joel PalaganasApr 4, 2019 12:33:20 AM
Dear Knights!
The Knights of the Sphere in Instagram contest continues

The goal of this competition is to promote the Spheroid Universe project and to give rewards to active Knights.
Every Knight can join the competition at any stage. We will give a separate announcement about the ending of this competition.

To participate you must
a) have an Instagram account
b) write about your participation in telegram channels:
Knights of the Sphere - https://t.me/knightsofsphere and
Knights of the Sphere in Instagram https://t.me/suigcontest
c) inform the jury of the organizing committee
Remember the more you post the better your chances are. So wear it out w/ vids/posts
Just for making posts you will recieve 25 sph for each post to IG max reward of 2 post/day can submit more for better chance to win.this way all contestants get sph for there time & efforts, thats 1500 sph extra ea./mo. if you post 2 a day for 30 days. GLTA

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